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The "What Are You Working On?" Thread - Week Ending April 16th 2016
Over the weekend, I updated LOR & Chubby Girls Links, made a page for those that want to Play Daily Fantasy Sports In New York State (which I will spam to those that enter The 2016 Jenks Fantasy Hockey Playoff Pool)
Next up is to update the Greenguy's Interesting To Him Celebrity News page & grunt work |couch| --- So, Skippy, what are YOU working on this week? |shake| |
Still working on stuff that was supposed to be finished by Easter!
I just started working with www.getfifi.com . I hope to see you all soon!
Busy filming naughty things
Updated LOR & working on getting some future updates ready for that, as well as Chubby Girls stuff for Saturday.
But, what's really eating up my time is my fantasy hockey playoff pool. I had 29 total entries last year, and about 1/3rd of them came in just hours before the deadline. This year, I already have 34 entries with 10 hours to go . Really hoping to get 50 total so there's $1k in the pot |hockey| |
Writing another advert for links on my technology and gadgets website, I just discovered that I headed the links page "Tecnology & Gadget Links". No wonder people aren't buying links!
After a pretty long period I added a new set into this site with Thai girls. |virgohippy|
I'm putting 1st my mainstream sites with https...
Then I will go for the adult ones.... |
WooHoo, have now finished a project that positively, absolutely, definitely had to be finished by first thing in the morning on the March 29th!
Will now go back to working on ClitPass. |
Updated LOR & Chubby Girls early this morning, and have been doing some grunt work for a Canadian yesterday & today - I kinda enjoy it :)
Have just worked out why "old" ClitPass does not work on my server. Have now got an embarrassing question to ask the hosting company, in the form of "Here is something even a moron would know about his own sites - but I don't know it about my sites. Please look into it for me." :(
mysql stuff. All that stuff is pretty easy, so has been a breeze :)
Am now working on re-doing my teen blog, and at the same time re-proofreading it. It is a story blog that I started years ago, and re-reading the early chapters I am really enjoying the story. Is this wrong? Is it too egotistical to enjoy reading a book that you wrote yourself? |
Weeeee....... I have at last found a way into the ClitPass database. Which was difficult since I still cannot find the database! (Actually, I'm feeling kinda proud of myself, I'm querying a database and getting printable results without knowing the name, password, or even location of the database.)
At the moment I have got to the point where I can get a one page listing of the amateur galleries and sites. Now all I have to do is incorporate it into a web page, add a "next page of results" thingy, and then create 36 versions of the page, one for each category. This will be a long, boring job, but at least it is "grunt work". Easy stuff I could almost do in my sleep. The really hard part will be creating the submit form. Before I do that I will have to find the database (and it's name and password) because I cannot think of a way to add data to a database without knowing where it is nor how to get into it. |
I got up early to design a script for ClitPass before going to the hospital. Didn't quite finish it in time, so decided to get back to it after leaving the hospital (despite the fact that my vision is still blurry from the eye drops and eye surgery, so I am wearing powerful glasses and sitting with my nose practically touching the monitor, and still struggling to read what it says). Got the design of the listing page nearly finished, just have to add the "go to next page" link, that basically reprints the page with the next load of galleries and free sites. This, of course requires the script to know what page originally called it. No problem, that is what HTTP_REFERER is for. The fucking server is missing whatever software returns the HTTP_REFERER data!!!! God obviously does not want ClitPass reopened! |banghead| |
(What, am I the only one working? I seem to be the only person posting in this thread!)
At film school I learnt a valuable lesson that is as important in other businesses as in the movie world: I asked a tutor for advice on a movie idea I had. For him to advise me I had to tell him the idea for the movie. He was very helpful, gave me the advice I needed. Then about a year later an issue of the film school's newsletter contained the "exciting news" that one of the tutors was taking a sabbatical to make a movie. It said who the tutor was, and what his movie idea was all about. The tutor was the one I had asked for advice, and his great movie idea was the one I had outlined to him a year previously! From that I learnt "Never tell anyone your ideas, because if they are any good, the person you tell will steal them!" Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for him) GreenGuy did not go to the same film school as me. Because he had a good idea for Link-O-Rama, and he talked about it here. I have stolen G's good idea and used it on my Teen Story Blog (evil laugh). Teen Sex In Norfolk has not made a single sale in about two years, and I stopped adding new chapters a year and a half ago because of this. So I have just added a "begging bowl" to the bottom of each page (redesigned the site too, and re-proofread it). If it does not work I'll blame G for wasting my time. And if it does work, I'll say it didn't, so that he does not ask for a share of the money! |evilgrin| http://teensexinnorfolk.co.uk/ P.S. Please give generously. |couch| |
ClitPass Update
Last night I finally finished the two scripts that will be driving the temporary version of ClitPass, and designed the page template. That just left me with duplicating the template for each category and finishing off the main index page. Although there are over 30 category pages, most of the changes can be done using "find and replace", so I only expected this to take a couple of hours this morning, and hoped to be finished by now. However I had not realised what a job I had in adding the category link trades. As these differ on each page I am having to use archive.org's WayBackMachine to look at their February cached copy of ClitPass and viewing the source code from that. Unfortunately the WayBackMachine's HTML points to archive.org's cached copy of the trades, so I have to do a lot of editing. This is taking a lot longer than expected. However I still hope to have ClitPass up and running (all be it in a temporary, truncated version) within a few days. Defiantly by the Weekend, and hopefully by Friday.
|party |couch| (Judging by this thread, I still appear to be the only adult web designer working. What happened, are you all making so much money from porn that you have all gone on holiday and are currently relaxing on the beach of your own private Caribbean island that you bought with the immense profits you are making from your websites?) |
I've been coding mostly, a big update to Video Pornster due this week and a directory review theme I've been working on at http://www.the-xxx-files.com/ I just need to add a bunch of sites to fill it out. Then I can sell the theme.
HowlingWulf - You have a PM about your last post (amazing coincidence that you are working on that site right now).
Made two of my domains with https... :)
Took a break from working on ClitPass now that it is up and running. Created a new front page for The Adult Search Engine , with my ads on it (as I'm paying the hosting I don't see why PC should still be getting the revenue :) ). Tomorrow I'll probably do the same to the results page at The Adult Search Engine .
Ah well just figured out that a script I was using stopped working...
so now I will have to make new sites on those domains! :( |
|couch| |
Old script from a sponsor. So better to move on. |
Just a bit of housecleaning around the network -- getting rid of dead links to make way for new ones!!
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