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Old 2005-02-23, 07:02 PM   #83
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Jim
So, you let him go this long without a check, let him believe it was sent by FedEx and now say it wasn't? So, how many checks is it now that you claim were mailed and just didn't get to him?

Because of this problem and the action or lack of action that has been taken, all I can think is anyone promoting Reality Cash is a fool. It doesn't matter what kind of bells and whistles a program has. It doesn't matter what kind of sites a program has. It doesn't matter who runs the program. When an honest webmaster can't count on prompt payments, that program is worthless.

Pay the fucking guy already. He has waited far too long for anymore bullshit stories.

You are seriously putting your foot in your mouth here. Ramos is working very hard to get this problem resolved and has done so. At no time did he promise that there would be a Fed Ex of the check. He is working as best he can to get a new check cut. If he wasn't working on it and if there was more he could do, do you think he would rather spend his time watching you guys bash him and then reply? If we were not going to pay Useless Warrior we would just tell you all to gofuckyourself and let the issue die. We get plenty of this bullshit on all the boards, every program does.

The truth is that there was a check sent, and it was not recieved. Thank you US Postal Service.

I can't believe this much bullshit is going on over 175 dollars.

Useless Warrior you will have a check as soon as we can get the old check stopped and we can re-issue a new one. The reason for the extended time elapsed is that the accountant who can stop payment is on vacation right now and Lensman is also out of town. Those are the two people that can put a stop payment on the check. When Loryn helped you the Accountant was gone and she sent in the request to him not knowing that she would need to take it to Lensman. Ramos did the exact same thing.

So your 2 minute rule doesn't apply. We have always paid everyone in the realitycash program. Lost checks or returned checks we do our best to find correct addresses or get those checks to our affiliates.

Unfortunately this all came at a bad time as the ability to put stop payment and reissue a new check was not possible due to the lack of the proper people being available.

As soon as we can get you a new check we will and of story. Flame away. You should have your check as soon as we can get it out to you. is offline   Reply With Quote