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Old 2006-06-07, 04:07 AM   #16
I'm the only guy in the world who has to wake up to have a nightmare
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Congrats SecretEden

Can't really add anything to the good advice already given, just to re-iterate what the others said - ignore CTR and sponsor stats for the time being, concentrate on building.

One thing that has just sprung to mind - make a folder called 'templates' and a folder inside that named simply '06' and stick all the pages of your freesite you have made in there - July 6th you open that up, swap the pics, adjust text/titles/metas and that's your freesite done for the day in fairly short order. With your refined text on that new template, save that over the old '06' pages and your first 'tweak' is completed.

Do the same for your future freesites, save them in a folder named that days date in your templates folder and repeat the text/image swap/title changes, and that's the freesite template for the corresponding day of the following month.

As you get quicker and learn better sales text you can tweak each one as you go, changing out sponsors further down the line, and then look at your stats more to see which freesites are doing well with CTR/Sales and what not.
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