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Old 2006-07-08, 09:56 AM   #13
Nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus
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Originally Posted by juggernaut
My question is, how would most of you feel if for some reason Bush signed a no income tax law for people who have adult related businesses? Called off the DOJ. And gave people who worked at home a 20% property tax break?
my vote, unlike my phat ass, is not for sale.

One of my biggest regrets in my 51 years of life was that in 2000 we were registered to vote in Florida but my husband had just retired and we were living in Atlanta, on the eve of the election we debated about driving to Jax to cast our votes but since we felt that Gore was a shoe in and that no one in their right fucking mind would ever vote for that asshole (i've had issues with him since he was gov. of texas and told the texas state legislature that dragging a man with a chain around his neck until his head falls off is not a hate crime) ..we didn't go. Even though I KNOW in my goodhead that our 2 little votes, in the grand scheme of things, would not have made a difference you can bet I will never miss an election again.

Also, for the record, I'm a registered Republican. When and where I grew up the Democrats were the "enemy conservatives".. don't forget George Wallace *spitting 3 times to even write his name* and Lester Maddox were very PROUD members of the Democratic party so when I registered to vote very proudly on my 18th birthday, I picked the party who actually sent people to work during the civil rights movement.

GWB does not embody in any way shape or form the party that I joined back in 1973. George --referred to in my blog as "the asshole" doesn't know the meaning of a market based economy, states rights, less government etc etc all founding tenents of the GOP.

I think that GWB suffers from a classic case of Oedipus Complex and should be forced to suckle Barbara's tit ..powdered milk.
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