Thread: jugg update
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Old 2006-08-18, 08:35 PM   #1
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jugg update

Well I know i have not been here but you know the deal. Anyway moved in last week and that was a pain in the ass. My liver biopsy started hurting from all the lifting so I took a back seat to the big fuckers I was paying $30 per hour for the move lol. 90% of the crap is in the house, realized this week we had two much shit and could not figure out how in the world we stuffed it into the condo. I was so happy to leave, the day we were loadin the neighbor was out in the street yelling at her "BABIES DADDY" aka loser. I kept telling myself "20 more minutes, 10 more minutes, cool we are out!"
Heres some great news. I was working for a government contractor and well they lost about 50 mil on the project so I got the boot. Nice Have not even made the 1st mortgage payment on the new house. Now I know some of you have your feelings about the military and know mine. Here's why mine are so rock solid (pro). I called up my old boss/Colonel and explained I needed work pronto. I got activated the day I got laid off. Now my company that I was working for cannot lay me off and has to make a pay difference while I'm activated. No I will not be hitting the sand box. My thing with the military is hard to explain but I have been very lucky not to have to go over. So for me this will be just like my old job. Hated to do it, had to do it. So is life. But at least I'm happy to know I still have a home there and my friends are still all the same, fat ones and all.
The wife had spent two days setting up the cam room and for me that was 1 day to long. She would not listen to me and ended up putting most of her shit in the room and now has no space. Her complaints fall on deaf ears. Shit goes in the basement or the garbage. lol.
Cable has been the worste I ever had, Comcast is just a terrible company. Five TV's, two computers, one IP Phone and the shit is just bad. Three of the tubes come in snowy, the VOIP craps out (glad the cell works great here) and the internet is 50% at best and that alone cost $60 per month for a crappy 756 up.
Wife is talking about taking her extra cash and buying a T1 line. Fine with me But I would like to wait as Verizon is supposed to bring fiber to the area in the next few months. They were able to pass a bill in NJ that kills the monopoly these Broadband ISP's have.
Got the old drums set back up. Have not played in 10 years but I still got the skills . Started playing when I was 7 and stopped at 25. Bought a really good set at 19 and just missed it the whole time. Man that felt great pounding them for 2 hours last night. But wife complained they were too loud and I figured 11pm was a good time to stop.
Anyway neighbors are comming over for some jack and coke, life should be interesting being I can't even remember their names.
I'll be around. I miss this board also but once again the internet and military thingy are just not helping me post here. Jugg
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