Thread: Hello Wednesday
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Old 2006-08-23, 01:26 PM   #33
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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Originally Posted by Mr Exotic View Post
I hear ya there, over the last year I have lost over 100 pounds (135 pounds total).
That is a whole lot of weight. You must feel much better.

I was doing good last year but then the first part of this year I started putting weight back on when I relaxed about my eating habits. I seem to be back on track now.

I've stopped eating the huge portions that are served at restaurants and now box up about half of all the entrees to eat later or now or just order a very light meal like a salad or soup.

I only buy low cal easy to prepare food for my house.

No junk food.

This is a hard one for me because I spend a lot of time with my rich neighbor who lives on chips, cookies, and dinning out. I've learned to eat something before spending time with him so that I don't start snaking of his junk food or order fating stuff at restaurants.

Never been much of a drinker but having a few drinks a few times a week really seems to put weight on me so I've cut out my social drinking almost altogether.

Increased my gym time to two hours every other day.

I'm still about ten pounds over what I consider my idea weight but I'm also more muscular then I've ever been from all the gym I'm doing.
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