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Old 2006-08-29, 07:46 AM   #1
KG Gary
I can now put whatever I want in this space
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: South East UK
Posts: 744
Nearly back to normal!

As the end of the school summer holidays approach, I can happily say things are starting to get back to normal here.

Earlier in the year I moved my work computer from upstairs into my lounge, knowing that with three children running around, (ages 5, 4, and 2), and my lovely daughter visiting every weekend, (she's 13), and a my lovely lady being pregnant, (our baby boy is due in late October), I may face some problems "doing porn" every day.
What an asshat I am for thinking I could still work fairly freely downstairs!

It was way too much trouble to move the computer back upstairs, so some of you may have noticed that my regular submittals have not been quite as regular. I've been forced to miss lots of freesite building time and I have noone to blame but myself! Ass!

Anyway, with school approaching again and a few clever furniture placements things are getting back to normal. August started okay but then went to shit as far as conversions go, but as I've said, it's all my fault for not being smarter.
Just wanted to get that off my chest, and offer an apology to any LL owners wondering if I'm losing interest. I'm not! I love what I do and I'm not going anywhere!
Thanks for reading. Carry on.
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