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Old 2006-09-01, 10:23 AM   #8
Torn Rose
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." ~ Mark Twain
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Portland, Oregon
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LOL, Classic! Nice way to wake up, I had a screen full of flashing orange ICQ messages; I thought it was xmas in September there was so many blinking lights.

Again DramaAlex does not tell the whole story, just his biased little side where he only looks like the victim until the whole truth comes out.

DramaAlex started a thread in the private area called “Furrygirl… does this end” which surprised me when I first saw it since I had zero clue that they was in a war of words in the public area since I rarely read threads that go past 2 pages.

He was asking what everyone thought he should do, keep it up or let it go, (guess he isn’t old enough to make his own decisions or IMHO, he wanted to get a gang after her since he wasn’t doing too well by himself) I made a comment or two still not knowing they was in a war that just said she and I was friends and what’s the point of this thread?

After more post by DramaAlex and a few others he and I started to debate the topic at which point he finally told me, a supposed friend, that my opinion is worth a cup of coffee at star bucks, (psst DramaAlex, this is where it started with me, you made it personal right here but your ego blinds you on your social skills) so I slapped him back a little asking who made him the “net police” and it went from there and we got into a very heated argument where he told me if I was in front of him he would slap me at which point I gave him my home address. (Still waiting on my doorbell to ring)

After some time he started a second thread on the same thing, so after 2 threads at 2-3 pages each, DramaAlex decided he was going to fuck with Furrygirl and call the media and police on her since her “whois” was not accurate.

This is where the line was crossed beyond imagination. Being so mad and full of hate that you will call the media/cops on someone just because they made you mad on a message board?

I told him that if anything happen to her, I would give him a piss war he never imagined, and others all jumped in saying that this was going too far and of course DramaAlex then tried to play it off as a joke, but he forgets he also said in the same post “I’ve done this before” and other comments on how much fun it is to fuck with peoples lives.

Just how long has this been burning DramaAlexs ass? The last post to the 2 threads which started this all was Dec 2005, Feb 2006 and nothing else has been said in the “secret area” for months and I believe there is a thread in public that a few things were said sometime in this past spring, and the radio show was Feb 2006 and nothing else done/said that I remember until Mid May in the chat room for the Tommy show and nothing has been said since until today other then the 2 shows that I have been a co host and chat participant where DramaAlex comes in, “opps, I came in the wrong night” and leaves, just long enough to create more drama.

Geeze, what a sad little life someone lives.

I stand by every word I have said, I have no problem with the threads coming out here in public, I would like to again ask that the 2 threads be brought to the public and the only post’s removed are the ones NOT made by DramaAlex or myself and any names in those post other then the subjects names, if DramaAlex thinks he is the hero in this and wants me to be tried/convicted in the mind of the posters here, then lets give them the WHOLE story and not just DramaAlexes biased and edited version.

This is not about Furrygirl anymore, I don’t care if people here like her or not, I do like her, *BUT, I DO NOT AGREE WITH HER ON MANY ISSUES* just like I do not agree on many issues with Greenie, Jim and so many other friends I have here and in life.

This is about someone on a message board who wanted to get a gang of people after one person and then when that failed he wanted to ruin her life in a very real way.

We had our main domain hijacked a few years ago, I know who did it, I know how they did it, I just can not prove it in a court of law, and it was over BS drama on a message board. We lost our main income for over a week, and it took far longer then that to recover from it so I know exactly what bullshit he wanted to cause Furrygirl and all OVER NOTHING other then his hurt feelings.

As for canceling our trip to Buffalo, yes I did do that because I am a firm believe you do not walk into a friends house and shit on the floor and there is no way I can put on a smiley face and act like nothing happen when in the same room as DramaAlex.

I still consider Greenie and TheBitch to be very close and dear friends and they had enough drama in their lives then having to worry if there would be more drama during a large party, so I took the bullet and gave them a piece of mind. As far as I know there is no issue with GG/Bitch about us not coming, but if there is I am deeply sorry.

I canceled our trip when things got heated/personal between DramaAlex and myself, but it was still nothing that could not have been “fixed” given time which is what I was doing, giving it time. But then DramaAlex posted his “lets get the media and cops involved” post’s and that’s when I realized I want nothing more to do with this piece of shit.

DramaAlex, I have said it to you many times, if you have a problem with me, COME TO ME. I gave you my home address, I made sure you knew I would be in Miami (BTW, that was also someplace you said at GFY you would be at and yet you didn’t show) and I when we make plans to travel I will be sure to post here where and when.

I also will be at every radio show in the future, I will at least log into chat so that will save you time from trying to start more drama with “opps, I came in the wrong night” now that you know I plan to be at every show in the future.

But I still get a laugh about all this, this has been going on since 11-23-05 and there has been only one person who keeps bring it back to life after it being dead for months.

How sad is that?
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