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Old 2006-09-01, 12:50 PM   #15
Took the hint.
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My last words on the subject:

Torn, I said no. I read the editted transcripts carefully, and without all the venomous hate filled comments, the name calling, the insults, and the rudeness, and without the three other threads going on and everything playing in real time, it doesn't read well or follow along well at all. There are posts in there were I answer "nobody" and most of your posts, once the bad words and insults were removed were down to "I don't agree" and "how made you god" type comments.

I also had respect for that private chat area. I felt it to be a refuge from the world where people could say things privately that they wouldn't discuss publically.

Maybe a little story can help to explain my feelings: A group of people are at a company picnic. A couple of the guys are sitting around having a beer, and one says to the other.... "damn, Mary from accounting is well built... I wonder if those are real?". Sort of musing... the guy next to him says "Gee, I am not sure.... HEY MARY, COME ON OVER HERE, BOB WANTS TO KNOW IF YOUR TITS ARE REAL OR NOT".

Bob said something that he though was private, the other guy didn't consider it private, and went with it. Is Bob a fool because he though everyone else understood the same thing? Is the other guy just uncouth?

I trusted you to respect what I felt were private comments. That trust was apparently misplaced.

It also makes it clear that a summer off wasn't long enough.
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