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Old 2007-04-04, 05:29 PM   #14
A woman is like beer. They look good, they smell good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!
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Originally Posted by Ramster View Post
Looks to me that things are getting tougher overall. Secondary producer comes into play like the primary as Linkster said.

I am against this of course but if you think about it for a minute.....I have content that was given to me by NS Cash to promote one of the sites and have them on MY server so then it stands to reason I should have the docs to prove age. Doesn't make sense that I could say "hey those aren't mine, I got them from nscash. Go see them".

I'm showing them on my server no matter where I got them I need proof of age. right???
A lot of it makes sense. The problems I think we will run into is that, at least right this moment, there is no really clear explanation as to how the index and cross reference needs to be handled. I'm making a spreadsheet with the urls of all images/videos I have hosted on my sites so that I can easily see the image url, what sponsor it came from (if it is sponsor supplied content) and where the records are. I also bought a single domain that will only host my 2257 info and I'm linking all my sites to it.

I do however wonder what programs just won't give out the docs. There are some that will let me download an encrypted doc then I have to call them for a password to open it if I get inspected, but there have been others that have flat said they won't give the docs out.

One good thing is that it looks like the government will allow them to give out "sanitized" IDs which can black out everything but the picture and the birth date. Still though I wonder who won't give any docs out period. For people like that I will have to pull any sites I have for them or change the content to some that I own that I have the docs for.

This could turn into a huge pain in the ass but it has to be done.
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