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Old 2007-10-23, 01:45 PM   #1
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Linking To Mirrors & Penalties?

For all the seo interested folks out there, what are your thoughts on linking to mirror'd freesites, could that be a be considered linking to spam?

I am a little biased as I don't mirror freesites, but if I was a search engine company and I saw copies of the same "freesites" mirror'd all over the place like they are, I would think spam.

Any one think linking to mirror'ing freesites could be dangerous to your domains from a linklist owners side? Or do you think it would be ok since everyone else does it? I mean... if it was considered bad practice by the se companies to build these mirrors and we linked to such sites, what would that say about our sites?

I'm not saying building mirror sites is bad. I'm just wondering what others think about linking to mirrors and how the se's might perceive that? Could that cause a LL to be penalized for linking to them?
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