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Old 2008-03-10, 03:25 PM   #13
Internet! Is that thing still around?
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 4
Hi Ya'll

Hi guys,

Been lurking for a day or two. Love this site. Hope to learn a lot from those more experienced.

I have one brutal question for GG and Jim...How long did it take you to get this site set up? I mean I know it didn't happen overnight. But when did you actually start the site, and how have you made it grow to what it is today?

There are so many links that you had to create. I can't imagine you started with all of these when you got started.

I would love to hear how you both got started in the biz, and how you started this site and what it was when it first started.

If there is a previous thread or threads on this, please post.
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