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Old 2008-06-21, 11:17 AM   #11
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I prefer the British style stock car - more "real" and more exciting, and less bullshit rules (I once saw a driver win by continuing to race even though his engine was on fire, he crossed the line with flames pouring out of the radiator grill!).

You also get closer to the action, although that can be dangerous. If you stand at the front- and I always stand at the front - you are only about ten foot from the track with a flimsy waist high safety barrier designed only to stop idiot spectators from running onto the track, not to stop out of control drivers ploughing into the spectators. (if you stand at the front you gotta know how to react quickly and run backwards when necessary). In the case of the driver who continued racing when his engine was on fire, if it had blown as it passed me, I would probably be a little bit dead now.
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