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Old 2009-04-08, 08:41 PM   #35
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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I can be as guilty as any one here. I do make my mistakes but they are never ever intentional. I never have and never will set out to deceive anyone. When my fellow webmasters and LL owners catch a mistake, I am always grateful and work to correct it immediately. I also work a full time job outside my adult realm, so I am not always coding pages with a clear mind. I now finish a site one day, review and submit to the first table the 2nd, and everyone else the 3rd day just to be safe.

I do use placeholder recips when I am first building a site to aid in the design. Do I upload them and not submit? Sometimes. It's usually the need for 40 hours in a 24 hour day. Is it intentional? Never. I still get a thrill over being listed, so the sites I list on my free sites DO exist, and are real. Just ask me if you doubt.

Is some of it just honest brain farts? or is it the same mistake over and over again? I may be guilty of blind links at times because I am so busy trying to write better sales text that I don't always remember to regurgitate the paysite name. Nudge me gently, and I will fix.. I promise. I usually only need one nudge, and not the same one over and over. And I do highly respect constructive criticism.

And SmithsMedia, the work and lurk is so helpful at finding those.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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