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Old 2009-04-14, 05:21 PM   #11
a.k.a. Sparky
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lighttpd is bound by core due to their spinlocks. Their core is not properly threaded and they hacked together a solution that works most of the time. When it was written, we didn't have that many SMP or Hyperthreaded machines. They also don't use some of the hooks in the kernel that other solutions use. With cpu affinity and pinning interfaces, you can work around that, or, you can use nginx without all that mess. But, nginx isn't without its quirks either.

I've heard, mpm-worker and mod_perl don't get along but I've not done enough mod_perl to really run into it. I really don't understand why perl would have a problem with mpm-worker since worker only uses pthreads and perl has been threadsafe for years. It is possible that cpan modules are not threadsafe which would cause problems.

There are a bunch of potential solutions and its a matter of finding the right tool for the job. Apache isn't all things to all people -- it is about the most flexible, most generic solution and properly tuned will give the performance that 90% of the people out there will be happy with. mpm-prefork doesn't fall too far behind mpm-worker in most situations. Measure the tradeoffs, make the decision as to which way to head.

The task dictates the solution -- or something like that.
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