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Old 2009-07-05, 12:14 PM   #9
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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I do believe it was mailing it that was a problem. There are many states that you just can't mail any type of porn to. I know when I was on tour and I would get Wicked to ship me my films, there were certain States I was in where they just wouldn't ship them to me.

Of course, it's my belief that consenting people should be able to have what ever fantasy they wish, but, unfortunately for Rob and Lizzy, they were already under the fed's radar. They were featured on an America's Most Wanted in association with a wrestler that had gotten his thumb cut off quite some time ago. As far as I know, no one was ever arrested in that situation. And, as far as I know, they could never prove that they were associated. But, moral of the story.................... don't piss the Fed's off.
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