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Old 2009-08-07, 09:19 AM   #12
on vacation
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good morning everyone

whew what a busy week, trying to work and keep the bored kids from killing each other them out of the house for a while yesterday, spent an absolute FORTUNE for 3 pairs of pants and a sweatshirt for my eldest - geez I could get a whole wardrobe for myself for what I paid for that! At least he wasn't interested in the $140 a pair ripped-to-shreds jeans, wtf is that??? ! I feel so old

got lots to do today then it's out to get my younger son's football equipment tonight, it's his first year playing 'real' football, he's over the moon excited and I'm just scared of the first injury lol

anyway, going to try and get some work done, so hope you all have a great day!
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