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Old 2011-03-16, 11:24 PM   #6
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by Greenie View Post
Unprofessional? I think Meatpounder did this in a VERY professional manner.
Greenie, with all due respect, can you please tell us how this is VERY professional?

This is unprofessional for these reasons:

1. Meatpounder did not try to contact me even though my sig had my ICQ and email address.
2. What Meatpounder deemed plenty of time to respond to his thread, was only plenty of time for him -- hardly fair, considering my contact information was in plain view the entire time.
3. Meatpounder has made grave accusations of someone who has been nothing but an upstanding netizen of this forum and countless others. Furthermore, it is quite clear Meatpounder is incorrect and have permanently branded us so.
4. Given those three mistakes, this thread will not be deleted thereby tarnishing Leroy's reputation by only trying to help me. I don't know what I can tell you to prove that Leroy and I are two different people. But this post, with its subject, and with the forum's title bands both of us untrustworthy when we simply have not done anything wrong.
5. How about if you were in my shoes? If you were a beginner trying to learn how this whole thing works and suddenly you're wrongfully branded a cheater, and it's not like there's a lot of volume in this forum to wash us away with time... we are the only ones here thus underscoring the graveness of the issue.
6. What does this tell us about GG forums? When something is clearly wrong and harmful to its members it will not be rectified?

So who really got cheated in this exchange? Meatpounder who was only too trigger-happy to write us off as cheaters without giving it an honest try to prove otherwise and in the grand scheme of things lost only time by partially researching internet whois databases but keeps his untarnished reputation? Or an upstanding netizen like Leroy who's good deed true to the old saying never went unpunished will have his record tarnished by actually having done nothing but try to help a novice like me earn a second income for him and his family?

Greenie, I hope you will read this with an open-mind and try to see it from our side. This is unfair and the only people being cheated here are Leroy and me. Where is Meatpounder in all of this?

email/icq: ...@...
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