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Old 2011-09-21, 09:15 AM   #3
bang bang
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I'm up early! Weeeee. Time to hump hump. Crashed out early after what felt like a long day. Met up with a friend that was in from DC. He had a brain tumor in his head. He is doing pretty good. He's back to work and for the most part doesn't have any problems putting in a full day. He has a gnarly scar on his head now and has gained a lot of weight in the face from the treatment. Otherwise though he is his normal self. That and he smokes a little more pot. For medical reasons.

Anyway. Downloaded the soundtrack to drive as my brother has told me it makes for pretty good background work music. So I'll test that out today. I want to see the movie as it looks pretty bad ass.

Time to hump this day away. Have a good one.
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