Originally Posted by Pagan
That database exists somewhere.
Yeah, I know that, but finding it/them is the trick!
Originally Posted by Pagan
Does MySQL or MyPhp find any other database?
Yes, an empty database.
Originally Posted by Pagan
It may well be worth paying for the tech support at PC's former host and possibly your host to resolve this.
Paying someone to do this was the
first thing I looked into. Much too expensive. Maybe if I win the lottery and decide to treat this as a loss making hobby rather than a business, but until then...No!
Originally Posted by Pagan
If you FTP'd everything, you don't have the database UNLESS PC put an export file there for you.
PC uploaded the database/s half way through things went wrong for him and he pulled out, that is why there is such a mess.
Originally Posted by Pagan
There have to be others. If not, you may be invading someone else's files unintentionally.
This I know, as I said finding it/them is the trick! I did wonder if the script was pulling from PC's old host, but his account was closed in February, and all files/databases deleted (the host has probably re-leased the server by now). I cannot see it being on anyone else's server, as PC's script states "localhost" which means it was pulling from his server when he ran the site, and is pulling from my server now (i.e. same domain as the script).
In short, I don't believe in magic, so te data has to be there. The fun part is finding it without destroying it.