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Old 2023-01-13, 09:39 AM   #3
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Finland
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Our nice 6" of snow is almost completely gone. We may get some this week, but for now, it is cold, dark, gloomy, and rainy. Most people did not do any Christmas lights, so it is darker than normal (we do have one string up). Kind of matches my mood I guess.

The Husband and I were talking last night - I want to work on my citizenship this year. I have had all the requirements completed for years now except -- language. Unlike the US, I actually have to present a certificate that shows I have passed a language test (or gone to school here etc.) I don't know what my block is, but I need to get over it and fast. I may start language classes again next week, and then try the exam in April. It is going to be LOTS of work. If I pass the April exam, then it is on to the 2nd one in November. There are times I just want to hide away and keep doing the porn thing, but this has been a lifelong dream. It is so close and yet almost impossibly far. (The Husband really doesn't help. He prefers speaking English and rarely helps with the learning part.)

Sigh.. better get the porn stuff done, then hit the books again for a bit.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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