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Old 2021-06-08, 08:10 PM   #7
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Hot, sunny, but no pizza or lounging for us. We got our first dose today, and get the 2nd one at the end of August. We both feel just fine. Now, if only there was a vaccine for computers. My desktop is dying, and has been for the last couple of months. Right now, if I cold boot it, it takes about 30 minutes to fully load - and I pulled bunches of stuff off already. I have been busy organizing and loading stuff to my cloud and my flash drive. I have a laptop now, but it only has a very tiny SSD drive. But, it holds my apps and I can store my works in progress on the flash drive. I found a laptop I like - 256GB for the operating system and apps, plus a TB SATA for data. It's more than I have now. We will be ordering it this week and then driving the hour to go pick it up. Just a few more days of trying hard to get things done. Email is tough because I can't always get into the mail app on my desktop. Everything is there but I just have little access right now. Soon, very soon. Just like moving in real life, there is so much cleaning and packing to do. Sigh....
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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