Thread: 21 January 2023
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Old 2023-01-21, 10:34 AM   #4
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Five months now doctors have been trying to come up with a diagnosis for my BIL. Despite numerous biopsies, they can't find cancer but the can't find sarcoidosis either (Sarcoidosis is a disease characterized by the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells.)

Though outwardly he's okay, his blood work is just awful. His potassium level is so high they're afraid he might have a heart attack. They ask him if he died, would he want to be resuscitated. (He said yes.) That's how bad the blood work is.

Now, I've mentioned he's not very bright. Here's an example. Wednesday the hospital phoned him and said they found a space on Thursday to do a test which they think will determine what's wrong with him. If he doesn't take it, it will be March 2 when the next space is available. He told the person on the phone that he's couldn't make it because his PSW was coming to give him a shower in the morning and he had errands to do in the afternoon. Needless to say, we'll be invoking the power of attorney for health shortly. The good part of the story is now that he's in hospital, he'll get the test in the next few days.

Anyhow, that's my BIL's tale of woe. I'm working on a couple of sites today and then heading to visit him in the afternoon. playoffs as Ramsters mentioned and it's Hockey Day In Canada -- 14 hours featuring at least 1 Canadian team.

Have a good one!
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