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Old 2004-12-21, 02:06 PM   #6
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Fl
Posts: 23
Good Luck

From one Newbee to Another,

I like your work. Here’s my experience at the sites you’re trying to get listed at.

1) Tommy’s Bookmark’s – Need to pay $50 for 5 links.
2) Smut Gremlins – I submitted a ton of stuff to him and I have found no trace in my stats he has every looked at one of my submissions. He sends back a nice email though, thanking you for you submission. I hope I am just on the waiting list and it takes a while, I don’t know, hopefully somebody reading this can provide more information.
3) Richards Realm – Same as above, except they tell you where they are concerning looking at material and they are a month behind.
4) Cleo’s – Gave me some listing when I first started, but then stopped, I keep submitting and hoping. Please!
5) Persian Kitty – WOW!, WOW!, WOW!, I waited to submit to her until I was getting picked up by some of the other big sites and only submitted once, I thought I filled out the form wrong too! The next day I get an email and she lists me. She delivers HUGE traffic, unreal. Her email is very business like, but its also funny, if you get her since of humor, which I did.

Other Comments: There are some other big sites not on your list that will pick you up quickly and give you huge traffic if you get accepted. They are getting to know me know and I am getting more listings. Look around, a lot of them are reading your stuff on this board. Don’t miss out on the mid-size sites. They list you quicker and deliver consistent traffic that adds up. Although, there are some other mid-size sites that read and write on this board that are on auto-pilot and have got their traffic to where they want and don’t even look at your submissions. So, it’s a lot of trial and error with the mid-size sites figuring out who is still is working at it, and who is on vacation checking their stats. On the other hand, you will find some huge sites where the original owners are still actively involved and can provided huge traffic as well as great advice on this board. I am still amazed at who answers some of my dumb questions.

Hope this helps a little, Good Luck,
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