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Old 2015-08-06, 02:13 AM   #9
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Today is Tomorrow. I know that every day is "yesterday's tomorrow" but today is THE Tomorrow!

Let me explain:

About a year ago I went on a diet. Then about six months ago my doctor changed my meds. This (as was expected) led to considerable water retention, which meant I steadily got heavier as my body held more water. it is very hard to stay on a diet when you are putting on weight anyway, so I gave up.

Eventually my doctor put me back on my old meds, my weight went back down and stabilised, and I decided that I should go back on my diet, so I would have one last day eating what I wanted, then go on a diet tomorrow.

Trouble is there are a lot of tomorrows in a month. I know, I've counted them. Most months have at least thirty, some have thirty one. And all of those tomorrows are good days to start a diet on. I got through more than a month's worth of "no not this tomorrow, the next one"!

Then yesterday I went for a take out kebab. I don't know if you have kebabs in the US, I have never seen them in an American movie or TV, so I'm guessing not. Kebabs are a very unhealthy fast food. Basically they are unleavened bread pockets filled with a high fat processed meat and smothered with chili sauce. When I say "high fat" I mean "very high fat". I had one once, ate it leaning over the paper it was wrapped in, then went to bed leaving the paper to clear up the next day. When I looked at it in the morning, there was more fat dripped out from one small kebab than I would normally use in a week (both in butter and in cooking combined).

So I only have a kebab as a rare treat, say three or four times a year. Since I went off my diet this has gone up a bit, but it was still rare. Or so I thought.

Then yesterday, when I went into the kebab shop the guy behind the counter greeted me with "Hello my friend, your usual?"

He calls everyone "my friend" so that did not matter. But if I have a "usual" in a take out selling the most unhealthy meal in the country, I guess it is time to go on a diet!
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